Shop online faster and safer

Get a FREE virtual non disposable debit card to pursue faster, safer and easier online payments and shopping.

You’ve asked for it – we’ve got it! Virtual VISA debit cards are now available to our business and private clients for easier and smarter online purchasing and transfers.

Order a card in our online banking system now and start enjoying its benefits right away.  

Buy online with ease

The benefits of virtual payment cards

Virtual payment cards enable you and your business to:

Comfortable online shopping

Make purchases with ease

Pursue your shopping without leaving a house or an office.

Buying items or services online has never been easier. Place an order in online shopping site of your choice, enter your virtual payment card information and wait for your order to arrive.



Shop worldwide in a blink of an eye

Buy products and services from anywhere in the world online.

Virtual payment cards enable international purchases in an instant. Just enter your virtual card information when placing an order and wait for it to arrive. 

Saving time, money and Nature

Buy faster, cheaper and greener

Experience smooth, affordable and eco-friendly online shopping.

With virtual debit card buying online takes only few minutes, it’s cheaper than buying on location and no plastic card is produced, thus saving materials and nature. 

Impossible to lose

Do not stress about losing a card

Be calm about the whereabouts of your card at any given moment.

Use virtual payment card without a fear or ever losing it. Order it in our online banking system and use it as long as you need.

virtual cards for business

Affordable online shopping solution for business

Have an account with Mistertango? Login to our online banking system and order a virtual non disposable payment card for FREE. Enjoy one card per account and only pay for a card account top-up.

Issuance 0,00 Eur
Monthly maintenance 0,00 Eur
Card renewal 0,00 Eur
Virtual card account top-up 1,5 %
Plastic card account top-up 3%
Payments in EU/ EEA 0,00 Eur
Payments outside of EU/EEA 0,00 Eur
virtual cards for personal users

Affordable and safe personal shopping online

Have a private account with Mistertango? Login to our online banking system and order a virtual non disposable payment card for FREE. Enjoy one card per account without any issuance or maintenance fees and only pay for a card account top up.

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